5 Ways a Capsule Wardrobe Will Change Your Life


I’ve always loved clothes.  When I was a teenager, I loved to shop for clothes.  I wanted to wear what was popular and had fun getting dressed.  After I graduated for college and started my career, I bought clothes for the workplace and had clothes for the weekend.  When I shopped for clothes, I bought outfits, a top with a pair of pants that would match each other.  I didn’t really think about wearing the outfit with other pieces in my closet.  I bought too many patterns and too many trends, hoping to dress well everyday.  Truthfully, I didn’t feel comfortable in my clothes, would get tired of my “outfits” I bought and have spent LOTS of money on clothes throughout the years.


 5 Ways a Capsule Wardrobe Will Change Your Life


Shortly after I started my blog in 2014, I discovered capsule wardrobes.  I learned how to buy “essential” pieces that are the “anchors” of a wardrobe and how to add pieces to create outfits…MANY outfits.  In 2015, I started buying less clothes, my closet became neat and organized and I had gained more confidence by loving the clothes I wore and liked how I looked in them.

In 2015, I came up with an idea to create an e-book on the exact steps to create a capsule wardrobe and include a capsule wardrobe with clothes and shoes already selected, plus dozens of outfit ideas.  What prompted this idea was that I had received several questions through email and comments from women asking suggestions on outfit ideas, how to create outfits, what pieces to include, etc.  When I sold a few hundred copies my first capsule wardrobe e-book, I realized this was something lots of women needed.  So, within a year, I have sold over 3,000 e-books, created a capsule wardrobe e-book store and now have a Capsule Wardrobe Collective Facebook group.  I have several ideas planned for 2017!

Having a capsule wardrobe has changed my life!  I feel better!  Here is how a capsule wardrobe has changed my life and it could change your life too:


1. Save Money

By using a chosen number of clothes and shoes each season, you will buy less and save money!  You will have more money to pay off debt or save.  Doing so will change the way you think about spending money too!  Instead of impulse shopping, you will think twice about spending your money.

2. More Organized

Since a capsule wardrobe consists of a set number of clothes and shoes, your closet will be neat and more organized.  This will eliminate the need to have extra clothes hanging in your closet.

3. Less Stress

By having a capsule wardrobe, you will feel better because your closet is more organized.  You’ll be able to find your clothes quickly so you can get dressed. By being neat and organized, you’ll feel less stressed and happier!

4. More Time

You’ll be able to get dressed in half the time as it would take you if you had a closet full of clothes and not know what to wear.  With a capsule wardrobe, you’ll be dressed in no time at all because you can create an outfit using pieces right in front of you in your closet.

5. More Confidence

When you wear clothes you love and are comfortable you have more confidence!  Wearing an outfit that looks fabulous on you will make you feel great about yourself, giving you the confidence that makes you feel like you can do anything!

Here are a few outfit ideas from the capsule wardrobe e-books in the Capsule Wardrobe e-Book Store:

The French Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe: Winter 2017 Collection – Outfit # 57

French Minimalist Winter Outfit #57

The Essential Capsule Wardrobe: Winter 2017 Collection – Outfit # 15

Essential Capsule Wardrobe Winter Outfit #15

The Stay At Home Mom Capsule Wardrobe: Winter 2017 Collection – Outfit # 3

Stay At Home Capsule Wardrobe Winter Outfit #3

The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe: Winter 2017 Collection – Outfit #5

Workwear Capsule Wardrobe Winter Outfit #5

A Few Essentials From These Outfits:

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  1. Love this post! Clear, concise and motivating. When I subscribed to the emails I received the Fall mini e-book. Since then I have purchased the Essential Winter and the Stay at Home e-books. I was wondering, though, if there was a way I could possibly receive the mini French one as well. Thank you!

  2. Wendy, thank you for your comment! I’m about to send you your mini Winter capsule wardrobe to you.


  3. Thank you for your comment! I have thought about doing an all year capsule…keeping it on the backburner for now.

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