Trendy Wednesday Link-up #36: A Busy Week

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It has been a busy week!  It’s been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to write a feature for today’s link-up.  For the last two weeks I’ve been at cheer camp in the evenings with my daughter, four days a week.  This week, we’ve had cheer practice AND school has started back.  Plus, I’ve been working at my job during the day.    Yep, I. Am. Tired.  I did manage to do a blog post Monday, “How To Wear: Chambray in Late Summer.”

Hopefully, things will settle down a bit by next week.  Today, is the Trendy Wednesday Link-up!  It’s time to add your favorite fashion and beauty blog posts!

The two featured bloggers from last week’s linkup are:

Two Peas in a Blog

I love this sleeveless top!

Love the romper!

Trendy Wednesday Link Up:

1.  Please follow your Host 

2Link up to 5 posts: 
it can be about fashion, style, beauty or lifestyle

(linkup to your blog post and not your main page)

3. Please include a link back to this post or place my linkup button in your post.

4.  Now, add your post(s) below!  I hope you enjoy the linkup and enjoy meeting other bloggers!

Classy Yet Trendy

See Where I Link-up each week!

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  1. Thank you for hosting this link up…I am a new blogger and still figuring out what to do!
    I know where you are coming from being tired (and too busy!) Working mum of 4 here…I sympathise completely!
    I hope you get a breather next week.

  2. Thank you for hosting this link up…I am a new blogger and still figuring out what to do!
    I know where you are coming from being tired (and too busy!) Working mum of 4 here…I sympathise completely!
    I hope you get a breather next week.

  3. How exciting to click on your link up today and see my picture!!! Thanks for featuring me, it put a smile on my face this morning ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for hosting the link up. Stop by our blog on Tuesdays for our Tuesday Fashion Party Link Up. We'd love to have you join in!

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