The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe: Summer 2017 Collection
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The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe e-Book:
Summer 2017 Collection!
A complete workwear capsule wardrobe guide for the Summer season,
perfect for the office!
With all clothes and shoes selected for you
PLUS, 100 Complete Outfit Ideas!
Summer 2017 Collection!
perfect for the office!
With all clothes and shoes selected for you
PLUS, 100 Complete Outfit Ideas!
Clothes Style:
Classic & Chic clothes & shoes
perfect to wear to the office!
Over 5,500 Capsule Wardrobe E-Books SOLD!
Only $19.99!
The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe: Summer 2017 Collection is a
50-page e-book that will show you how to
create 100 outfits from only 21 classic & chic clothes and shoes*!
A few benefits of this e-book are:
50-page e-book that will show you how to
create 100 outfits from only 21 classic & chic clothes and shoes*!

Hi, I’m Leanne!
Just a few years ago my closet was packed full of clothes,
but I felt like I had nothing to wear. Why? Because I had
too many clothes with different patterns and shapes
and they didn’t mix well. It was difficult to put
together an outfit. I felt I had to keep buying clothes to be
able to have an outfit to wear. I was frustrated and stressed!
One day I had enough of my unnecessary spending on clothes
and knew there was a better, less stressful way of
getting dressed.
I simplified my wardrobe by having a certain number of
clothes and shoes that would coordinate with one another. Now,
it takes me half the time to get dressed everyday!
This capsule wardrobe concept has worked for me and I’m
confident it will work for you too! I used to spend $1,000 to $2,000
every year on clothes and shoes. Now, I only buy a few pieces
a year.
Are you ready to have confidence, get dressed quickly,
have many outfits at your fingertips AND save money
each year?
You’re just one click away from
The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What Is The Workwear Capsule Wardrobe?
Chapter 2: How The Capsule Wardrobe Works
Chapter 3: How To Create Your Workwear Capsule Wardrobe
Chapter 4: The 21 Pieces
Chapter 5: Capsule Wardrobe Checklist
Chapter 6: 100 Outfits Visual Guide
BONUS: Workwear Capsule Wardrobe At A Glance
BONUS: Wardrobe Color Coordinating Chart
BONUS: Spring Packing Guide (10 Pieces / 7 Outfits)
BONUS: 8 Ways To Save At Least 50% Off Retail
“Awesome! Your capsules have really helped reduce stress around building and shopping for me. I love them.
I do 33 pieces and the size of yours gives me just enough room to add a few of my own items.
Thank you! You certainly have a talent!” – WENDY L.
“This e-book is exactly what I needed! I get dressed so much faster now. I’ve always had trouble
coordinating my clothes, but your outfits guide makes it simple for me now. Thank you!” – CHRISTI P.
“Wow…I have to tell you how wonder the Fall 2106 capsule wardrobe items ideas list has been for me.
It’s almost life-changing to get ready for work in the morning now. Great mix and match ideas and a
practical approach to buying clothes. Thank you so much and I continue to watch for your blogs!
Thanks for all of your long hours and research with it all together.” – SUSAN D.
“I love the ease of getting ready now and putting outfits together. This e book is full of sharp and
cute looks with using basic clothes that you already have in your closet. I love the this eBook,
I refer to it often.” – SHARON H.
“OMG! Your ebook is a lifesaver! It was so easy to create my capsule wardrobe, I’m so glad I’ll be able
to save money by not having to buy as many clothes now. I keep the outfits guide next to my closet
so it’s easy for me to create my outfits!” – LESLIE M.
I do 33 pieces and the size of yours gives me just enough room to add a few of my own items.
Thank you! You certainly have a talent!” – WENDY L.
coordinating my clothes, but your outfits guide makes it simple for me now. Thank you!” – CHRISTI P.
It’s almost life-changing to get ready for work in the morning now. Great mix and match ideas and a
practical approach to buying clothes. Thank you so much and I continue to watch for your blogs!
Thanks for all of your long hours and research with it all together.” – SUSAN D.
cute looks with using basic clothes that you already have in your closet. I love the this eBook,
I refer to it often.” – SHARON H.
to save money by not having to buy as many clothes now. I keep the outfits guide next to my closet
so it’s easy for me to create my outfits!” – LESLIE M.
Only $19.99!
+ Will I have to spend a lot of money on new pieces?
Nope! These capsules are designed to include basic essential pieces. So, you may already have several pieces already in your closet! If you don’t have any of these pieces and are on a budget, consider shopping for these at your local consignment shops, thrift stores or on or
+ Where do I shop for some of the pieces?
For each piece in the capsule, there are 3 shopping links each to offer you several choices. I refer only reliable retailers such as J. Crew Factory, J. Crew, Loft, Madewell, Nordstrom, etc.
+ What sizes does each piece come in?
Sizes range on average from 0 to 14/16. Please check the item’s sizes available on the retailer’s site.
+ I don’t live in the U.S., can I still use this e-book?
Check with the retailers linked to see if they offer shipping to your location.
+ What if a suggested pieces doesn’t work for me?
You may substitute for another similar piece. You can find similar pieces on, which is the site I use to find all the pieces in this capsule.
+ What if I want to use a different color than the one in the e-book?
If you would rather substitute clothes with a particular color in the capsule, you can omit those items and use another color in your capsule. You can use similar styles that you may already have in your closet or search for items with a different color on
+ How do I receive the e-book?
Once you pay for the e-book via PayPal, you will be redirected to a page containing your download link. There, you can download your e-book and save it to your computer or device. You will also receive 2 emails: one that is your receipt and a 2nd one that also contains your download link, so that you can download your e-book. If you don’t receive the email containing your download link, please contact me at and I will make sure you receive your e-book!
*Some products in the clothes, shoes and accessories shopping links may not be available outside the United States.