Summer Vacation Packing Guide Part 1: What To Pack (TW #126)
Find out what to pack for a summer vacation for a week’s worth of outfits!
A couple of weeks ago we left for our Florida vacation. We had planned to drive down the east coast of Florida, go to Key West, then drive back up the west coast, sightseeing along the way. We had several places we wanted to see: St. Augustine, West Palm Beach, Key West, the Everglades and Busch Gardens in Tampa.
What types of clothes do you pack for a vacation in Florida in the summer?
Clothes that will keep you cool during the hot and humid weather! Avoid tops with longer sleeves, jeans and long pants. Instead, pack lightweight tees, sleeveless tops, tanks, shorts and skirts. Also, if you will be going to the beach, pack the necessities like one or two swimsuits, a coverup, a hat, beach towel and plenty of sunscreen and keep it all in a tote.
Do you pack complete outfits?
Avoid packing complete outfits. If you individual complete outfits, then you will be limited as to what you can wear while away from home. Instead, pick out a few tops and bottoms that will mix well with one another. In the photos above, notice that all my clothes have the same tones, all cool colors with navy, white, gray, blue and green. No matter, what top and bottom I would choose to wear, they would both coordinate with one another.
This is the basis for a capsule wardrobe: having just a few items that you love to wear that all coordinate with one another, giving you lots of outfit possibilities! If you want to know how to transform your closet, jump over to my Capsule Wardrobe e-Book Store, where you can find out how to create your own capsule wardrobe, which clothes and shoes to use, dozens of outfit ideas, plus a packing guide in each e-book!
CLICK HERE to transform your closet!
Turn 25 pieces into 100 outfits

Our first stop was St. Augustine. We spent a day there and we loved it. We could have seen a few more sites there, but we decided to drive down to West Palm Beach. The forecast called for rain the next day, so we didn’t get to go to the beach, bummer. But we did get to go to the mall and shopped at Nordstrom, Jo Malone, Kate Spade and many other stores! The next day we headed toward the tip of Florida. We stayed in Homestead. When we woke up the next morning it was raining again and my daughter got sick with a fever. We stayed in the hotel for a few hours until she felt a little better and decided to skip Key West and the tour of the Everglades and start the drive back home. It was supposed to rain for the next 3 days, so any chance of sightseeing was pretty much out. We did get to drive on the interstate that ran through the Everglades, so we got to see the landscape. And, I did get to wear 5 outfits on the trip!
What Clothes and Shoes To Pack:
white pineapple graphic tank (similar)
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Outfits I Wore:
I could have worn more if our trip hadn’t been cut short…
Lizzie In Lace
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I’m the sort of packer who just throws everything in sight into the suitcase and hope they work harmoniously together GRIN needless to say, I’m often on the paying side of excess luggage 🙂
Perfect! I am starting to pack for a family trip next week. This will help for sure. Thank you!
So much easier to travel when I pack smartly! This is a perfect bag. Thank you so much for the feature! Brightened my Wednesday!
Really usefull post. Keep sharing
I appreciate your post today. I am packing for two weeks in Germany, one for work and one for pleasure. I have often realized that by the time I pack my suitcase, I have a (almost) perfect capsule wardrobe. One time I wound up in Europe for 18 days unexpectedly and never had s single problem with my wardrobe and loved my outfits. All in a carryon suitcase too.
Ahh thank you for the feature! You made my day 🙂 Great post, as always!
Thank you, thank you! I am vacationing two weeks from now and this advice is exactly what I needed!
Great picks!! I love that pineapple tank and those Jack Rogers are some of my favorite sandals ever!
Trendy & Tidy
I know… I’m late to the party. I have been following various capsule wardrobes for years, always wishing I was that well organized. Last year we took a trip to Greece, and I decided this was the trip to try to capsule. I had everything in my carry-on. Everything matched. I had an outfit for every day. The problem I had?? I had to do laundry. Not a really big deal, but also not my top vacation activity. So to all those who pack a mix-and-match wardrobe in a carry-on, I ask you, do you plan to do laundry? Do you keep things clean and re-wear them? (because I think I got too sweaty for that) How do you make LESS than an outfit a day work in real life, when you spill at breakfast, so you change your top, then you get soaked from a rogue wave at the beach, so you change again… full outfit for a nice dry dinner… I’m packing now for St. Thomas, and I’d love some advice. And if anyone has been, do I need to pack multiple beach towels too??
Thank you for your questions Jasmine! When I pack for a trip and it’s more than just a few days, I always carry a small container of laundry detergent in a plastic bag in case I have to wash anything between wearings. Some trips I have been on I was fine wearing the clothes once or twice each, when the weather was cold or not humid. But the hot and humid trips, I would have to wash them.