Mix It Up Friday #7: 5 Benefits of Blogging

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Do you have a blog?  If not, are you thinking of starting one?  Before I started blogging, I always wanted to have a website, but didn’t know what kind of website to have.  A few years ago I wanted to improve my wardrobe and did so with ideas found on fashion blogs.  I reached a point when I felt my wardrobe was totally mixable and I thought, “hey I could have my own website as a blog devoted to sharing my ideas on fashion trends and how I wear my clothes!”
And that was how my blog “Classy Yet Trendy” was started.  I also feature recipes from time to time, but it’s mainly about fashion.
There’s several benefits of blogging:
1.  Express Your Creativity: I consider blogging an art form, especially if you include photographs and graphic art.  I have ideas running through my head all the time; topics I want to cover on my blog.  Time is my only constraint as I have a full-time job and a family.  The majority of my free time is used for blogging, so it’s a way for me express my creativity.  I mentioned including photographs and I take my own photos with a tripod and a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera.  In case you’re wondering how I take my own photos, see the post Pink Dots & a Camera Tip on how to take you’re photos without a camera remote.
2.  Share Your Style With Others:  When you have a blog, you’re able to share your style with others.  Whether your blog is about fashion, recipes or home decor, your blog is unique because it’s all about “your” style, which makes it different from other blogs.  My favorite fashion style is a mixture of preppy, modern and classic.  Everyone’s style is different in some way, no matter what subject you blog about, and that’s what makes your blog different from others.  Be true to yourself and share with others what makes your style unique!
3.  Connect With Other Bloggers:  When you have a blog, you get to connect with other bloggers.  There are blogger conferences (I haven’t been to one yet but would love to) and even regional blog groups where bloggers meet.  I have gotten to know a few bloggers, especially though the blog link ups!  You can even share your ideas with other bloggers for inspiration!
4.  Earn Money: When I started this blog, I didn’t think I would earn money from it, but had read from other blogs that you can, called “monitizing your blog”.  About a month after I started my blog, I signed up with ShopSense.  This is the main affiliate company I use to earn money when readers click on my links.  It’s only 5 cents a click, but it adds up!  I also earn money from sponsored posts and banner advertisements.
5.  Receive Free Clothes and Other Products:  If you have a blog and it gets an adequate amount of views, you can almost bet that companies will reach out to you about sending you clothes to wear on your blog or send products for you to review in a blog post.  These products that companies will send you are free!  This is my favorite part!  When a company sends you products to feature on your blog, if you put them on your blog in a timely manner, keep the companies informed of the post’s status and make the posts visually appealing, they will quickly learn that you are a reputable blogger and will keep you stocked with clothes and/or other products.  Be sure to include a “Collaborate” or “Work With Me” page and place the page on either on your top or side bar and keep it updated.  Companies will review these pages for prior collaborations and will then consider your blog as potential advertisement for their products!  Also, if you don’t have a Media Kit (which is a blogger’s resume), I would suggest making one.  That way if companies ask for your stats (monthly views, social media followers, prior collaborations, etc) you can send it to them via email to they will be more likely to send you products.
I hope you enjoyed this post!  Happy Blogging!
All the posts in last week’s link up were fabulous!  Thank you everyone for sharing your posts!
Two of my favorites were:
What a great way to enjoy Easter in New York with these large eggs on display throughout New York by Faberge!
Her striped dress, denim jacket and booties look great together!
Now, on to the link up!
Do you have a style post of your favorite outfit or beauty product?
Add your STYLE post!
Have a home decor project you’d like to share?
Add your HOME DECOR post!
Would you like to share that new recipe you’ve create?
Add your RECIPE post!
Have a favorite craft project you’d like others to see?
Add your CRAFT post!
1.  Please follow your Host 

2Link up to 5 posts: 
it can be about Style, Home, Recipes or Crafts


(linkup to your blog post URL, not your main page)

3. Please include a link back to this post or place my linkup button in your post.





4.  Add your post(s) below!  I hope you enjoy the linkup and enjoy meeting other bloggers!



See These Blogs I Link Up With:


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  1. I need to work on a media kit. My tech skills lag far far behind my style ideas! 😉 Glad I'm not the only one trying to do this with a full time job too. It can be quite a juggling act, but if I think of giving my blog, I feel sad …. I really enjoy it! Thanks for sharing with the link up! Have a fab weekend, Leanne!
    Dawn Lucy

  2. I love this post! I've been following you for a while and find it interesting to read how you got started! My start was completely different. I was shopping online late one night, after a glass or two of wine, and thought, why not start a website (I didn't even know enough to call it a blog at the time). The thought had never even crossed my mind before and now almost 6 months later, I absolutely love it! Congratulations on your success!


  3. I need to come up with a new "blogger resume" or social media kit. I like the one Blogger Collective laysout in one of their older posts and may follow that. I recently joined Shopsense myself and get one click a day normally but yep it is slow going and collaborations with companies ARE ALWAYS a bonus I enjoy!
    Thanks for sharing these tips! Everyone should blog for just these reasons!
    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

  4. Great blogging tips. I have an advertising page which is sort of my 'media kit', but I need to make one I can email, too. Those NYC eggs are SO neat!

  5. I'm coming to you from Wake Up Wednesday – thanks for sharing such a great article. Please swing by my blog and say hi while there! I definitely need to make a media kit for myself. Been saying I was gonna do that for quite sometime….now is the time!

  6. Thanks for the tips. I am new to blogging and need all the help I can get! I will be sure to follow each of these. I am visiting from Dare to Share today.

  7. I'm not gonna lie…getting free items to review and style is definitely my favorite part! I haven't really tried monetizing my blog, because I'm already so honored to get free items from shops and sites! It's such a fun hobby! I also looooove connecting online and feeling like I'm reaching others; that's why I started my blog!

  8. So many benefits to blogging. It is a huge release for me. Love the tips on monetizing. Thank you for linking at Snickerdoodle and for the inspiration. Hope to see you again!

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